
MealSwap is an application where Princeton students are able to explore other meal plan options on campus by requesting and fullfilling meal swaps. Our goal is to allow students to explore all of Princeton's eating institutions by helping them find other students from different meal plans to initiate exchanges with.

To find out how to use Meal Swap to its fullest extent, please head to our tutorial page!

Meet the Team

Ansh Bhargava

Kartik Shah

Dwaipayan Saha

Benjamin Liu

Yongwei Che


Login and sign in through the Princeton CAS system. After you fill out some personal information, you are good to go!
In order to prevent spam and user misuse of our system, we have a limit of 5 open requests and exchanges per user at any given point of time. However, if a user cancels an existing request, or completes or cancels an open exchange, they can submit new requests.
When a match is made for a meal swap, you will see the other person's contact information to allow you to communicate with them to organize the meal exchange.


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, feedback, or rude remarks, please feel free to fill out this feedback form: Feedback Form