
Welcome to MealSwap! This is a quick-start guide to help you get up to speed with how to most effectively use this site.

When you first press login in the application, you'll be prompted by an account creation screen. Here, you'll enter all your relevant meal plan information so that you can be properly matched with other Princeton students!


In the form, we also ask you to supply your phone number. We'll use this number to ping you with notifications of any new exchanges, as well as reminding you right before any upcoming meetups!
Read further once you're done logging in!


Once you log in, you'll be re-directed to the main dashboard page. Here, you'll see four tabs for four different pages: Open Requests, Your Requests, Your Exchanges, and Declined Request. In the top right, there is also a place to submit a request.


In the Open Requests page, you will see requests for your meal plan! User names and netids will be hidden on this dashboard for anonymity, but they will be unmasked if you choose to accept their request! Each card represents a Princeton Student that wants to eat at your meal plan. You can see basic information about their meal plan on this row as well. If their meal plan sounds interesting to you, and the times work as well... Press "Accept Request" and you two will be automagically paired to get a meal together! If you no longer want to see a request on the page anymore, you can click "Decline Request" to remove if from the Open Requests page


In the Your Requests page, you will see all the unmatched requests that you have made to other dining plans. If you no longer want a request that you previously submitted, you can click Cancel Request to remove it.


In the Your Exchanges page, you will see all of your matched exchanges, including more detailed information about the person you matched with. You have the three options: Clicking complete exchange indicates that the exchange has been completed and can be removed from the Your Exchanges page. Cancel Exchange will completely cancel the exchange. Block User will remove the exchange and will also prevent that user from showing up in your Open Requests page.


In the Declined Requests page, you will see all of the requests that you have declined from the Open Requests page. You have the option to click undo to return it to the Open Requests page.

To submit a request, click on "Submit Request" in the top right corner. You will be redirected to the submit request page.


Here you can select a meal plan and a meal time and click "Submit Request" to submit a request for a Meal Swap.

You can view your current pending exchanges and other useful information through the menu tab.


Here, you can view the main page (Dashboard), view your blocked users (Blocked Users), view the Tutorial (where you are now!), and the About page (where you can view FAQs and also look at the beautiful creators of this app!). Additionally, you can view and change your account information in your profile and log out.


Here you may update your preferred name, dining plan, class year, and phone number.

In the Blocked Users page, you will see all of the users that you have blocked in the past and you will have the option to unblock them by clicking "Unblock User". You may also preemptively block a user by entering their netid in the field at the top and clicking block.


That is the basic gist of Meal Swap! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to submit it in our About page!